
JW International Trading Co. 
Im Gries 14
D- 53179 Bonn (波恩市)
Germany (德国)

Mobil: ++ 49 173 725 9977
Phone: ++ 49 228 934 9968
Fax: ++ 49 228 934 9970
e-mail: jw-trading@t-online.de
website: www.jw-trading.de

Registry office: District court Bonn
Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27 A value added tax law:
DE 204043219 (Vat Number)

Adhesion reference: Despite careful contentwise control we do not take over adhesion for contents more externally left. For contents of the linked sides are responsible excluding their operator.

Image source: Icon by kliwir art Icon by kliwir art Icon by kliwir art
